
I recently launched in Cheltenham my report on Stalking, which I wrote alongside Richard Graham (MP for Gloucester). It calls on the Government to toughen up the law, which at present simply does not go far enough to protect victims.

Stalking is a horrible, violating, crime. It can rip relationships apart, destroy careers, and cause serious mental harm. A staggering 40% of domestic homicides are preceded by an episode of stalking.

And yet, given all that, the maximum sentence is just five years’ imprisonment. To put that in context, the law provides for a longer sentence for shoplifting. And when you consider that defendants only serve half their sentence and get time off for a guilty plea, it can mean that even in the most horrendous cases the stalker can expect to be released after about 18-20 months. Meanwhile, burglars face a more credible maximum sentence of fourteen years.

I decided to take this up on learning about the harrowing case of a Cheltenham GP, Dr Eleanor Aston. In May 2015, Dr Aston’s stalker was sentenced to the five year maximum for his second conviction for stalking. Her ordeal, which lasted over seven years, included having her stalker turning up at her surgery over a hundred times, following her on patient visits, slashing her tyres, sending threatening mail and appearing at a party her child was attending. At one point Dr Aston had to leave work and developed PTSD.

When passing sentence at Gloucester Crown Court the judge said he would have imposed a longer sentence if the law allowed and had been left frustrated. I believe it’s wrong for judges to have one had tied behind their back.

I am delighted that our campaign is also supported by Nick Gazzard (the father of Holly Gazzard) as well as so many stalking charities. I am pleased too that the launch here in Cheltenham on Tuesday was covered in the national media as well as locally.

This is not about ratcheting up sentences for the sake of it. It is about protecting victims who are currently being let down. It’s time for the law to change.

To read the full report online, please click on the link below.

If you have been affected by stalking, please call the National Stalking Helpline on 0808 802 0300 for advice and support.


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