
£20 Million for Cheltenham Cyber Vision

Following his meeting with the 'Levelling Up' Minister to make the case for Cheltenham, Alex is delighted that the Government has awarded our town £20m to build the Innovation Centre at the Cheltenham Cyber Park.

Alex's River Chelt Clean-Up Campaign Nears Completion

After much 'robust' (!) discussion behind with the scenes with Severn Trent, Alex was delighted to secure a commitment from the water company to end the decades-long practice of sewage spills into the River Chelt, and to invest in a major engineering upgrade.

Cheltenham Ice-Rink is Back!

Alex (and his young children!) are delighted that the Cheltenham Ice Rink is back!

Located in Imperial Gardens, the Ice Rink is now open until 1 January

Alex Lifts Barrier to Employment for Thousands of Ex-Offenders

Over 120,000 former offenders will find it easier to get work and turn their lives away from crime after Alex changed the law to significantly reduce the time people with criminal convictions are legally required to declare them to most potential employers.

£20 Million for Cheltenham

I am delighted that the Government has awarded Cheltenham £20m from the Levelling-Up Fund to build the Innovation Centre in the Cheltenham Cyber Park. It is fantastic news, and the latest example of major Government investment in our town.

Tackling Bike Theft in Cheltenham

Alex is supporting Gloucestershire Police's bike marking initiative to help prevent bike theft in Cheltenham.

Gloucestershire Police are security marking bikes through the Bike Register database which acts as a powerful deterrent to bike thieves.